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Trademark Opposition

Don't let conflicting trademarks go unchallenged. Take action with Tax Mother!
Trademark Opposition

    Tax Mother offers reliable trademark opposition services. With our expertise and knowledge of trademark laws, Tax Mother protects clients’ intellectual property rights and achieves successful outcomes.

    Partner with Tax Mother to safeguard your interests during the opposition process.

    What is Trademark Opposition?

    Ensure a strong defense for your trademark rights.

    Opposition involve the process of challenging the registration of a conflicting trademark. It is a legal procedure that allows any individual or entity to oppose the registration of a trademark that conflicts with their existing rights or violates certain grounds specified by the law.

    It play a vital role in safeguarding the rights of trademark owners and maintaining a fair and competitive marketplace. By opposing conflicting trademarks, individuals and businesses can protect their brands, avoid confusion among consumers, and maintain their distinct identity. Seeking professional assistance from experienced compliance partners can help navigate the trademark-opposition process effectively, ensuring the best possible outcome for your case.

    Who Can Oppose a Trademark?

    Eligibility and Grounds for Opposition

    Trademark-opposition services allow any person to challenge the registration of a trademark, regardless of their commercial or personal interest in the matter. According to Section 21 of the Trademark Act, any person has the right to oppose a trademark and can file a counterclaim against a trademark registration.


    Tax Mother assists individuals and businesses in identifying valid grounds for opposition, such as:

    • Similarity to an existing registered trademarkIf a trademark is too similar or identical to an already registered one, it can cause confusion.
    • Lack of distinctivenessA trademark must have unique characteristics to identify the associated goods or services. Tax Mother helps determine if a trademark lacks distinctiveness, making it ineligible for registration.
    • DescriptivenessTrademarks that simply describe the nature, quality, or features of goods or services can be opposed.
    • Deception or confusionIf a trademark has the potential to deceive the public or cause confusion with existing trademarks, it can be challenged.
    • Violation of laws or regulationsTrademarks that contravene legal provisions or are prohibited by law can be opposed.
    • Prohibited under the Emblem and Names Act, 1950Trademarks that may hurt religious sentiments or feelings of any group can be objected to under this act.


    Steps for a Successful Opposition

    During the opposition process, certain documents need to be submitted. Tax Mother assists clients in compiling the necessary documentation, which includes:

    For the Opponent:
    • Trademark-opposition notice
    • Supporting evidence
    • Details of the opponent's trademark attorney
    For the Applicant:
    • Trademark application form
    • Supporting evidence
    • Details of the applicant's trademark attorney

    Documents Required for Trademark Opposition

    Essential Documentation for Effective Opposition

    Tax Mother guides clients through the trademark opposition procedure, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience. The process involves the following stages:

    • Opposition NoticeThe opposition must be filed within four months of the trademark publication in the Trademarks Journal.
    • Counter-StatementWithin two months of receiving the opposition notice, the applicant must file a counter-statement presenting their case.
    • HearingBoth parties submit evidence in the form of affidavits. The matter is then heard, and a decision is made.
    • AppealsIf dissatisfied with the decision, either party can file a review with the Registrar or an appeal with the Intellectual Property Appellate Board.

    Time Limit

    Timely Action Ensures Maximum Protection

    Opposition must be filed within four months of publication in the Trademarks Journal. Adhering to this time limit is crucial to protect one’s rights and ensure timely resolution.

    Difference between Trademark Objection and Opposition

    Clearing the Confusion: Distinguishing Objections and Oppositions

    A trademark objection is raised by the Trademark Registrar during the application examination, while opposition is filed by any person after publication in the Trademarks Journal. Tax Mother provides guidance for both processes based on the specific situation.