Under the Trademark Act, trademark registrations in India are valid for 10 years. The renewal window opens 6 months before the expiry of the trademark registration. You can choose to renew the trademark with or without any changes.
To ensure lifetime protection of your trademark, it is crucial to prepare and submit the Renewal application Form TM-R before the expiry period. TaxMother’s experts can assist you in preparing the renewal application and timely filing it with the Registrar.
According to rules 63 and 64 in the Trade Mark rules of 2002, if a trademark is not renewed within 6 months of its expiry, the Registrar will issue an advertisement for its removal in the trademark journal.
Infringement of a trademark is a punishable offense with penalties ranging from Rs. 50,000 to 2,00,000, imprisonment from 6 months to 3 years, or both.